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Next Idea to

Next Idea to Advocate is a global program that encourages students to communicate positively to a larger audience and make a positive impact. It stands as one of the eight youth idea projects championed by Next Idea Matters (NIM) among the global youth community.

The aim of Next Idea to Advocate is to empower students with the ability to create impact in the digital era and to use this ability to convey their ideas, amplify their impact, and drive meaningful change.


From 2018 to 2023, we've motivated nearly 3000 students worldwide to initiate 375 communication projects, reaching and impacting countless audiences.

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Join us to spread positivity and create a meaningful impact through communication.

Resonance with the Era

Image by Christin Hume

Unprecedented Information Accessibility

The current era is marked by unparalleled access to information. The internet is a treasure trove of knowledge and data, but not everyone knows how to sift through it effectively. Next Idea to Advocate empowers students to navigate this vast sea of information efficiently, a skill highly resonant with the times.

Image by Fahim Reza

Empowering Digital Voices

The rapid evolution of digital technologies has granted every individual a platform to voice their thoughts and opinions. To create a genuine impact in this digital age, it's crucial to comprehend the dynamics of communication. This project ensures students resonate with the era by empowering them to navigate and communicate effectively in the digital landscape.


Bridging Information Disparities

Artificial intelligence algorithms have given rise to personalized content recommendations, contributing to information disparities. These disparities can fragment societies and obstruct a holistic understanding of critical issues. The project encourages students to address and mitigate these gaps, promoting more informed and cohesive communities. 


Build Networks

Students are encouraged to expand their campus "team network" and connect with a wider social network, enhancing their ability to leverage resources and stakeholders.

Scale Up

The program aims to improve students' impact by teaching them how to scale their achievements and increase their visibility to a larger audience.

Be Practical

This initiative focuses on practical, project-based learning, ensuring students have the skills to turn their ideas into actionable outcomes.

Content Format


Magazine / Brochure

Paper Print

Short Video






Micro Film

Social Media


Positive Impact

Enhance Positive Impact with Systematic Processes and Methodologies


Demonstrate Personal Characteristics

Find a topic that is worth of public attention from your own experience. It can be in various aspects such as environment, livelihood, society and technology


Make Communication Plan

Identify the key message and target audience of the communication, determine “how” and “in what formats” to spread the content and (video or print)


Design Communication Packages

Break down the topic and make it into an agenda, create proper graphics, layouts, audios and videos.


Show and Communicate

Choose multiple, appropriate methods and channels to show the content and communicate, and change perceptions


Track the Impact

Summarize the results of the project, measure the impact audience received, and track the impact in a statistical way

How Next Idea to Advocate
Makes a Difference

Normal Experience

I researched the challenges faced by working mothers under the three-child policy.

Normal Experience

I like photography and traditional culture, I have been to many ancient traditional houses to study and research, and have taken many photos.

Normal Experience

I like artificial intelligence, I studied a lot of technology materials by myself, and studied the artificial intelligence course of Stanford University.

Positive Advocacy Experience

I researched the challenges faced by working mothers under the three-child policy, filmed a documentary on the topic and showed the documentary at my school and city, which resonated with people and won a documentary award.

Positive Advocacy Experience

I like photography and traditional culture. I have been to many ancient traditional houses to study and research, and have taken many photos. After I came back, I sorted out the photos and held a public exhibition in a local shopping mall, which attracted tens of thousands of people, enhancing the public's understanding of traditional houses and allowing them to appreciate a traditional aesthetic that has been neglected.

Positive Advocacy Experience

I like artificial intelligence, I studied a lot of technology materials by myself, and studied the artificial intelligence course of Stanford University. I noticed that people around me still have little understanding of AI, and there are many unscrupulous businesses that take advantage of people's lack of understanding to fool around with the concept of "AI". I took the initiative to plan an AI science fair in my community and hand-made a community AI book to distribute to people who need to know.

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